November 29, 2009

Philip K. Dick


1955 - Solar Lottery
1956 - The World Jones Made
1956 - The man who Japed
1957 - Eyes in the Sky
1957 - The Cosmic Puppets
1959 - Time out of Joint
1960 - Dr. Futurity
1960 - Vulcan's Hammer
1962 - The Man in the High Castle
1963 - The Game Players of Titan
1964 - The Penultimate Truth
1964 - The Martian Time Slip
1964 - The Simulcra
1964 - Clans of the Alphane Moon
1965 - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
1965 - Dr. Bloodmoney
1966 - Now Wait for Last Year
1966 - The Crack in Space
1966 - the Unteleported Man
1967 - The Zap Gun
1967 - The Counter Clock World
1967 - The Ganymede Takeover
1968 - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Adapted for the motion picture "Blade Runner"
1969 - Galactic Pot-Healer
1969 - Ubik
1970 - A Maze of Death
1970 -  Our Friends from Frolix 8
1972 - We Can Build You
1974 - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
1975 -  Confessions of a Crap Artist
1976 - Deus Irae  (with Roger Zelazny)
1977 - A Scanner Darkly
1981 - Valis
1981 - The Divine Invasion
1982 - The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
1984 - The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike
1985 - Radio Free Albemuth
1985 - Puttering About in a Small Land (published posthumously)
1985 - In Milton Lumky Territory
1986 - Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
1987 - Mary And The Giant
1988 - The Broken Bubble
1988 - Nick and the Glimmung
1994 - Gather Yourselves Together  (Written in 1950; Published in 1994)
2004 - Lies, Inc. (originally published 1964)
2007 - Voices from the Street  


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